Now more than ever we seem to be living on sensory overload!
Have you noticed it too? Maybe it has crept in on you and the subtle changes to the way you live are not too noticeable. Or maybe you’ve been aware, but since everyone is doing it you have joined them. It’s hard not to join in when you see the tops of everyone’s heads as they stay engrossed in their phones and the apps on them.
Now before I go any further I’m not saying technology is bad. It’s not. It is so useful and convenient for some many things. I am personally on my laptop, Ipad, phone, etc. numerous hours a week. But the more we use it, the more we use it. I realize that was a deep one. But have you noticed just how much we rely on our stuff. The smaller the gadgets get also the more they invade our every process. My watch now vibrates my arm on a regular basis reminding me to drink water, to stand up, to get some exercise, what the latest breaking news is and when someone is texting or calling and I don’t have my phone. Now it’s an incredible convenience and helps me stay on top of things that are good for me and needful, but it can also interrupt my line of thought and keep me off focus.
Read more of this article over at w2wministries.org - just click here
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