Victoria Duerstock

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I have put off writing this now for over a week. It will be the hardest to be able to discuss because it is the one I struggle with the most. If you have followed along in the blog you have already read about Perfectionism and how its a true creativity killer, and Mediocrity being it's polar opposite. So the only answer to the above problems is Balance. BUT…this is the one I struggle with this most, so here I will share what I have learned, and what I am learning but don’t misunderstand - I do not have this one figured out at all. I’m not really sure why achieving balance is so difficult, but it does seem to be an ongoing problem. There are lots of books about balance and I’ve probably read at least half of them. As a matter of fact, I just scrolled my kindle list of titles and it's quite silly how many books I have regarding balance, and organization and time management!  I have great intentions to level balance in my life at all costs, but my personality and ambition tend to just interfere with my good intentions. People much smarter than me, and more knowledgable on the subject have written multiple blogs regarding the need for balance and just how much it affects just about every area of life including homeschooling, spirituality, food prep, sports, music and a plethora of other topics.

So I have avoided this one, mostly because I know I can be almost manic when I get an idea of something new to do, because I must achieve it all right now. That’s certainly not balanced and I know it - but yet there must be a way to manage it and do it well. If you are a Christian you know there are verses that tell us to live balanced lives and that a “just balance is His delight” So, to me, that means it’s definitely doable and something that we should strive for.

I had just finished my time of Bible study this morning. Getting up at 5am is still a great habit, although I still don’t automatically wake up - it definitely requires my alarm to go off and some mornings I do hit snooze - I’m not gonna lie. But I love being up once I’m up. I get to see the moon hanging low outside of our large windows in our living room and I have gotten comfortable identifying where Venus and Mercury are and catching up on what stars are where each morning. It’s a relatively new thing for me to do this stargazing - especially since prior to my birthday I couldn’t get out of bed if the sun was not streaming through the windows! Let’s just say I could get up before then, but I definitely prefer sun streaming through the windows and rising gently.

I know at this point of the blog you are wondering what in the world this has to do with balance so bear with me I promise I’m getting there…

So I love checking out the moon and stars and planets, and I have my coffee and my quiet time. And then sometimes I read some devotional books or other writings - like my new favorite book on prayer “Quiet Talks on Prayer” by S.D. Gordon, or the BE Commentary books by Warren Wiersbe, or another favorite “A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a distracting World” by Paul E Miller.

But this morning as I drank my second cup of coffee I decided to just sit and reflect on the beauty outside. The sky was wondrously clear and set my brain to thinking how perfectly balanced and orderly our transition from night to day is. There’s no chaos in the process, because it happens the same way each time - right before dawn it is the darkest part of the night, and then as the light is dawning, the light starts to spill over the horizon before the moon and the stars exit the picture. I took some pictures to go along with what I was viewing because I thought - here is an example of balance. 035e-c0cb-2873-d9a7

Each morning the sun comes up, and a new day begins.

I don’t do anything to make it happen. Our Creator set this into motion from the beginning of our time, and He made it in such a way, that the earth spins on it’s axis, and rotates and revolves and moves through space in an orderly fashion. It’s really remarkable when you sit still and think about it. 1597-b9dc-fa9e-dfba

But to top it all of, there’s such a beauty about it all. That balance has color and has variety and is awesome. I sat and took a few pictures and contemplated this balance. Night moves to day, and then back again. We have the same 24 hours each day, the same 7 days a week, and the same 52 weeks a year. cc36-e558-3ebf-ae35

We all have the same amount of time - but we don’t all use it the same way.

I am approaching now a time in my life where I want to use my time wisely and not fritter it away aimlessly or on the things that just don’t matter in the end.

  • I need to pursue the things I love to do, but also handle the responsibilities that don’t ever leave my plate.
  • I need to nurture my relationships, but also have time to grow myself and to recharge.
  • I need to say yes to the activities that I know are the right ones for me to handle and to do, and to find the freedom to say no without regret to the things that are not for me.

I have to be okay knowing that I don’t have to do everything and the world still continues to move without me handling it all. Because surely when things are out of balance, doesn’t that mean that I have tilted my orbit out of axis a bit and tried to be at the center of it all. This is not the way our lives are intended to be lived out- we can find true happiness when we seek to live balanced lives.

"To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short." ~Confucius

"What I dream of is an art of balance." ~Henri Matisse

"Next to love, balance is the most important thing. ~John Wooden

"Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life.  It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.  ~Thomas Kinkade0dd3-6b36-de47-5e7d