Hope and fear seem to be a recurring theme lately. This idea of not having fear, and instead of living with hope. I heard a wonderful visual this weekend that got my attention. The idea is that each day we have a new page. Each day we have the choice as to what to write at the top of our page - Fear or Hope. Yesterday, I awoke to the news of the bombings in Brussels. It was so very sad to learn of the reality of more terrorist attacks in our world. I am sad for those who lost their loved ones, and for those innocents who were injured. My husband was traveling internationally yesterday, so I was a little bit on edge to know that he made it safely into Atlanta..but that was a several hour wait to hear and I was reminded again to choose hope and not fear.
I began a website last week that combines some things that I enjoy. We have enjoyed the latest craze of adult coloring and we love Scripture. I also love creating new things and so I tinkered around during my break last week. I started 365FearNot because I believe the Bible has enough truths for every day of the year about not giving in to fear. The beautiful thing is we can color these pages while we meditate on the scripture. I have so enjoyed working on this project. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to others as well. You can check it out here www.365FearNot.com
Each day is a choice - Hope or Fear. We are the ones who get to choose.