Beauty from Ashes

Placeholder ImageMany years ago I had fostered a small dream of one day making a living composing music  and being published.  I worked up the courage to complete a song, record it and send it in to a nationwide songwriting contest and waited for my critique to return.  I say worked up the courage because frankly sending anything out to be critiqued is a frightful prospect for me! This particular year had been and would continue to be a very dark time for us personally.  We struggled greatly, and God was consistently answering "no" to our urgent prayers.  It was a season of darkness, and I struggled to find my footing.

The result of the contest was an honorable mention, and the offer of a contract.  Unfortunately, at the time, I viewed it as a lost cause and that music writing was not for me.  I had written some other things at this time, but felt dissatisfied because the songs were very strained and lacked hope.  I decided that I wait to continue composing until I could be on the other side of the trial we were under.

Recently, I listened to someone recount a somewhat similar story.  He had gone through a particularly dark time, and as a creative person he had told stories to his young children each night.  He made up new adventures each night, and the kids begged for more.  But during his night season, he couldn't create anymore and harshly told his children that he didn't have any more stories and don't ask anymore.  He has now found himself on the other side of his trial, and looks back with some regret but with the desire to redeem those moments now with his grandchildren.

It reminded me of my moment.  I spent time contemplating this weekend, and realized that as I was working on a proposal for another project that I thought I still had the paperwork from this song.  I pulled out the critique they had sent me way back then, and read through it again for the first time in nine years.  And I cried.  I cried because the words that should have encouraged me back then hadn't.  I read generous words of hope on those pages, that should have given me hope then, but in the midst of my circumstance I couldn't hear them.  I don't even remember reading them. Ever.  As I read them this weekend, it was as if it was the very first time I had heard them.

Do you have something in the past that caused you great pain?  Was there hope offered to you in a time of trial, that maybe you missed because you were hurting too badly?  Let that encourage you today friend, because you can continue encouraging someone else with the knowledge that maybe they can't hear you today.

Keep telling them to keep their chin up.

Maybe they can't receive hope yet, because the way seems too dim.

Keep offering hope anyway.  

One day, in retrospect, the words may be a soothing balm or a sweet honeycomb that helps to encourage them in the future.

And friend, if you are the one hurting, keep grasping to the hope offered to you from friends and family, even if you need to hear it again and again.  Eventually the words will settle in your heart and mind, when you get beyond your current suffering.

Press forward, without looking back, and keep your eye on the prize!


Hey friends, Today is not a long blog post, but just a quick note to my friends who visit here looking for a word or two of encouragement.

First, I apologize that I am not terribly regular at posting here yet.  I'll get better, I promise.  I seem to manage to get something posted each day on the Facebook page, but I haven't been consistent posting here.

Second, thanks for sticking with me anyway!  Without readers, then there would be no point to posting.  My goal with this blog is to definitely encourage you, and so many of us need to hear a word of encouragement in our day.  The world tries very hard to bring us down and discourage us about the difference we are making, but I want to be back here applauding your efforts and encouraging you forward.  Take the next step and don't look back - you aren't going that way.

I'm going to share a couple links so you know what I've been up to and if you are not a member of the Facebook page yet, definitely join up - you'll be glad you did!

This week I finally completed my self imposed challenge to memorize the book of James.  I am so excited that I was able to accomplish this.  And it was most definitely the grace of God that allowed it because my brain was addled most days! here's the link if you'd like to verify that I actually did it :)

Last week, I completed a project that I had worked on that should be published later this year.  It's a contracted work for hire, and I was so excited to play a small role in it.

This month, I am helping with Beauty and the Beast, Jr. at our local community theater, DFT and teaching vocals - which is also keeping me very busy.

Lastly, I just worked on a new post about life lessons over on my other blog, if you'd like to see it - go here

I'm working on some ideas for posts here, so I'll be back in the next few days - promise :)  In the meantime I pray you will each have a very lovely weekend with your families, and will find time to rest!


If you find it hard to rest, then go here, and meditate on God's word and color for a little downtime.  I love today's passage - so meaningful AND encouraging!


When the Music stops

pablo-4I was recently talking on Facebook with a college friend.  She has had some very grave trials in her married life and she is just starting to take up her music again.  She is a talented singer, pianist and teacher.  It reminded me of a dark time in my life, when it seemed like that thing that I loved so much, music, and writing music, made no sense anymore.  My writing was dark, and not hopeful, and I stopped composing.  I stopped playing because it just felt fake. I wonder have you been there?  Have you encountered a time maybe when your joy was less than full and the thing that you loved brought you more pain than happiness?  My musical journey has been more painful than anything, and yet it's still something that I have invested a lot of time and energy in.  God has blessed in amazing ways but not always the way I wanted him to.

I was thrilled my friend, had enough distance from her trials to be able to feel the music again.  Whether you are in the middle of the pain, just starting or just ending a trial, there is hope.  God is our lamp in the darkness and while he doesn't remove our pain or grief, He does promise to walk with us through the darkness, and to turn into eventually into light! (II Sam.22:29)

I hope you find encouragement here.  Tragedy doesn't keep us sidelined forever.  God makes a way for us to make the music again.  My prayer is that you can find great comfort in these words!