I made a quick Facebook post yesterday asking what people were planning for their goals for 2017. It was a post generated from my personal assessments and plans that I'm putting into place for this next year. I always spend most of December thinking through the last year and anticipating what things I can jump into for the new year.
Here's what I posted -
What goals are you setting for 2017? I'd love to hear them. Share away!!
I'm not sure what kind of response I would receive but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the longer the post has been on my page, the more responses I receive.
One of the things I have learned through adulthood is the value of accountability. I'm mostly a lone ranger at heart - only child, very driven and ambitious, and not much of a team player. I've always been able to do more on my own. But as I get older, I can see the value of accountability in relationships.
Perhaps it's the blunting edge of age on my life, or motherhood and finding sisterhood in that journey that's helped me see that journeying WITH others is better than lone ranger. While I'm still in charge of my own destiny, knowing that others are aware of what I'm trying to accomplish and that they are cheering me on or giving me a swift kick when I'm down, accountability has been such a good thing for me to seek out.
Accountability to others helped me accomplish my goal to memorize the book of James this summer. Knowing that I would receive a text asking how my scripture memory was going, or an email or even an encouraging message on Facebook about what it meant to them to hear those verses recited out loud. I felt the extra push some weeks that someone would regret not hearing me share if I didn't reach the memory goal for the week.
Sometimes I think we don't actually share our big dreams, or goals because we are worried about failure. I wrote about failure not too long ago over on my other blog - you can read more here if you'd like. The reality is most of us are afraid to fail. We'd rather not step out of our comfort zone if it means we risk failure. The beauty of success though is looking back and realize that failure might have happened along the way but it was not a stopping point, it was the catalyst to the success that came later!
Anyway - I found that several people were willing to share their goals with me - and I was given the unique opportunity to cheer them on. Some I know very well, some not so much - but we were each bound with the anticipation and inspiration of looking ahead and saying out loud what we want to accomplish. So.very.powerful.
So I ask you the same question - I don't care how young or old you are. I don't care how busy you are or how difficult is right now. The moment you stop dreaming you stop living. I speak from experience. Sometime in the middle of motherhood, I found myself just doing what needed to be done each day without really allowing myself to dream about the future. With dreaming about the future, planning ahead is so important, and for so long I didn't do it. I was afraid to fail, and afraid to want something that I couldn't have. Totally faulty mindset there. Don't fall in the trap! Be inspired! Be encouraged! Think about those things you've always said you'd do. One day. When the kids are grown. Maybe that's not what you are waiting for, waiting for any next step to happen before you dream about the future is stifling and limiting.
So share with me! What are your goals for 2017? I'd love to hear them and cheer you on!