An encourager is one who by definition inspires others with hope, courage or confidence. Don't you enjoy being around someone who is encouraging? Aren't they like a breath of fresh air? Perhaps you are naturally gifted in this area, and it's easy for you to speak kindness and encouragement into those around you. If on the other hand you are like me, and you tend to see all that's wrong around us, you have to work at it some more. Just like we work at being purposeful in our daily lives with our activities and goals, I would also like to propose that we be INTENTIONAL with choosing words of encouragement to be spoken to those around us.
Perhaps it's our family members that need to know they are doing a good job, or that they are appreciated for their hard work - don't just think those thoughts, be sure to speak them.
Maybe it's a co-worker, classmate or sweet friend who is battling a difficult time - depression, cancer, loss of a mate, failing grades - what can you do to encourage them through this trial? Maybe it's just a verse of Scripture that means something special to you, or an inspiring quote that has been encouraging for you, will be just the thing that will encourage another person.
While each of us do not likely have the capacity to change the world, we do have the ability to change one person's day. The opportunity to bring a smile, squeeze a hand or give a hug for one person is something that can spur others to action as well. In that small action, we do have the capacity to be world changers. All it takes is a little thought, a bit of openness to share and encourage. Be light to someone in your world today!